Edition 34
Reseller Newsletter
Welcome to the 34th edition of the PaperCut Reseller Newsletter.
Read on for all the PaperCut MF highlights for this month!

PaperCut v16.0 is here

Version 16.0 highlights include:

  • Flexible printer setup with Direct Printing
  • Notifications for Printer Groups
  • Easier Mail Server setup
  • New look manual
  • PaperCut MF on Epson, Muratec, OKI and Sidoh
  • Canon accessibility improvements for PaperCut MF

Read more in our New & Noteworthy blog.

Translated brochures

Two of our most popular sales collateral resources have been translated into 7 languages: PaperCut MF: Top 10 Reasons and PaperCut in Education.  
Available as A4 PDFs for you to download and use in your sales efforts from the PaperCut Portal > Marketing Resources in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brasil) and Spanish.

Best Practices in Print Services

Do you know anyone like Dr. R.J. Gravel? Director of Technology Services at a Chicago based school district, an Ed-tech devotee and Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology, R.J. also happens to be one of PaperCut's greatest advocates.

As a past and present customer, we took the opportunity to film R.J. in action at CETPA in San Diego. In a TedX style video, R.J. dispenses with myths around printing, paper usage, BYOD and print technology infrastructure. Take 90 seconds out of your day to watch RJ, then if you want to hear more, the full 45 minute talk follows. A great sales tool to share with your customers.

If you know anyone just as passionate about sharing knowledge, we would love to hear from you! Head to the Portal, navigate to Marketing > Case Studies.

Knowledge Base Articles

View the latest how to's and tips from the PaperCut team on Direct Printing:

Quick Links

See what's new
New and Noteworthy 
A snapshot of latest features

Release Notes
For PaperCut NG
For PaperCut MF

Tour Pages
Flexible Printer Setup
Direct Printing
PaperCut MF for Epson
PaperCut MF for OKI
PaperCut MF for Muratec
PaperCut MF for Sindoh

Portal Resources
PaperCut MF 16.0 Build
Build no 34949 for PaperCut MF

Available in the manuals section of the Portal:
PaperCut MF Overview for Epson, OKI and Muratec
PaperCut MF Sindoh manual 
Updated MFD Integration Feature Matrix 

Kyle's Support Tip

Q. When was the last time your customers performed preventative maintenance on their PaperCut Database?

A.  If the answer is not recently, or never, consider removing some old logs that are no loger needed. Having a data retention policy or asking how often they need information older than 6 months or longer will determine how long data needs to be retained. After making a backup and armed with answers to these questions your customers are set to do some preventative maintenance!

What Others Are Saying About PaperCut

Many of you will have seen the testimonials throughout the PaperCut site. Here's one from a professional services firm:

“It's a huge time saver and does all the accounting for me. It provides easy access to printing from your desktop and also brings in all the faxes and shoots the email directly to you.”

Kathy, Wall Templeton Attorneys, USA